A reminder app that reminds you about particular task via mail and phone number.
Basic Navbar using reactjs and no JSX
In this project, one can analyze the personality of different persons and can calculate the accuracies of personalities using different algorithms
Airbnb clone with add accommodation and booking system
Loseless Compression reduces file's size with no loss of quality. This project takes in .txt file as input and produces .huf file which takes less storage space. It also converts .huf file into original .txt file.
Wave: Next.js 13 app. Explore Next.js, MongoDB, TailwindCSS, Clerk, real-time events, and more.
Built an image classifier using Python, Tensorflow and Keras with Jupyter Notebook to classify sad and happy faces.
BMI Calculator is used to measure the Body Mass Index of a person. By measuring BMI, a person can know if he is underweight, normal or overweight.
The MovieApp is built with reactjs, leveraging APIs to provide users with an extensive collection of movies and comprehensive search options. The app dynamically retrieves movie data, including titles,ratings, posters, and more, ensuring an up-to-date and diverse selection for users to explore.
This project will help developers to find suitable cafes with proper power supply , that will help them to work efficiently while enjoying the best drinks, and atmosphere that cities and towns can offer.